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4:46 am, Dec 11, 2024
weather icon 55°F
L: 44° H: 62°
light rain
High Wind Warning
NWS Upton NY
Dec-11 12:00 - Dec-11 10:00
* WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...In Connecticut, Northern Middlesex, Northern New London, Southern Middlesex, and Southern New Haven Counties. In New York, Northern Nassau, Northwest Suffolk, Southern Nassau, and Southwest Suffolk Counties. * WHEN...From noon today to 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down numerous tree limbs, and scattered trees and power lines. Power outages are likely. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.
Humidity 96 %
Wind 7 mph S
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
UV Index UV Index: 0
Precipitation Precipitation: 0.04 inch
Rain Chance Rain Chance: 100%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Moon Phase: 36%
Moonrise Moonrise: 1:35 pm
Moonset Moonset: 2:41 am
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:08 am
Sunset Sunset: 4:26 pm
Daily ForecastHourly Forecast
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44° / 62°°F 0.04 inch 100% 34 mph 95 % 23 inhg 0 mm/h
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32° / 43°°F 0.03 inch 80% 21 mph 42 % 24 inhg 0 mm/h
Fri Dec 13
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32° / 38°°F 0 inch 0% 12 mph 33 % 24 inhg 0 mm/h
Sat Dec 14
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32° / 37°°F 0 inch 0% 6 mph 36 % 24 inhg 0 mm/h
Sun Dec 15
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36° / 48°°F 0 inch 0% 9 mph 65 % 24 inhg 0 mm/h
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