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Raizes: Unveiling the Hidden Gem of Northport, NY


Nestled amidst the quaint streets of Northport, New York, lies a hidden gem that transcends mere commerce; it embodies a legacy of empowerment, sustainability, and cultural heritage. Welcome to Raizes, a boutique born from a vision to promote beauty through responsible choices, while preserving local traditions and empowering communities.

The story of Raizes is one of resilience and innovation, woven with threads of African and Indigenous heritage. In the remote Jalapão region of Brazil, descendants of escaped slaves formed “Quilombo” communities, united by a shared quest for independence in all its forms. It was within these tight-knit communities that the transformative potential of golden grass (syngonanthus nitens) was realized.

In the early 20th century, a visionary woman recognized the decorative allure of this humble yet radiant crop. Drawing upon the artisanal skills passed down by the Xerente peoples, Afro-Brazilian women transformed golden grass into exquisite fashion accessories and home decor. Thus, through their artistry, a tradition was upheld, economic independence was fostered, and pride was cultivated.

At Raizes, they are committed to preserving this precious heritage. Their golden grass is meticulously harvested by the women of the Quilombo communities, using sustainable practices passed down through generations. Harvesting occurs only during the brief two-month period of September and October, in accordance with Brazilian state regulations, ensuring the crop’s continuity cycle and ecological integrity.

Located at 112 Main Street in Northport, NY, Raizes stands as a beacon of ethical commerce and cultural appreciation. Every item within their boutique tells a story of resilience, craftsmanship, and community empowerment. As you step through their doors, you are not merely shopping; you are embarking on a journey of discovery, connecting with artisans across continents and embracing the rich tapestry of human heritage.

Make sure to visit Raizes, where beauty meets responsibility, tradition meets innovation, and every purchase makes a meaningful difference. Experience the magic of golden grass and immerse yourself in a world where commerce transcends transaction, enriching lives and preserving legacies for generations to come.

For more information, or to shop Raizes online, click here

For article on “Shops” on Long Island, click here

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