Category: Podcasts

Going Local Long Island

When And How To Grow Your Business

On this episode of Long Island Business Minds, we discuss the topic of “When and How to Grow Your Business” with the CEO of Boomzeal

How to Attain Goals and Grow Your Business with Dr. Luiza

“On this episode of “Lets Get Local,” we step inside the mind of Dr Luiza Raab Pontecorvo. She is an international performing musician, the owner of Atomic Tae Kwon Do (2 black belts) AND an Empowerment Coach! Dr. Luiza shares tips on attaining goals, putting yourself first, feeling empowered and so much more in this episode so don’t miss it!

Melissa Farrell at Tommy Tacos, Huntington, NY

The Age Old Question: How Much Do I Tip?

Tipping is a hot topic these days and in this episode of “Let’s Get Local,” Melissa talks with the owners of Tommy Tacos, Tommy and Elisa, about how much to tip in different situations. From tipping servers and bartenders to fun facts about tipping, they cover it all in this episode. Theyalso bring you behind the scenes of the restaurant industry by sharing their experiences inhospitality to help viewers who have never worked in service, see a new perspective. If you’ve ever wondered, “How much should I tip?” make sure to check out this episode of “Let’s Get Local.”

Long Island's Best

Long Island’s Best…

Melissa speaks with Al Fenza, Pirate of the Caribbean! They share their picks in a “friendly” battle to determine Long Island’s Best places for:

– Burgers
– Tacos
– Pizza
– Empanadas
– BaconEggandCheeses

…and we also get to hear picks from you!

Follow Al on Instagram at @alfenza

Long Island Hauntings

Long Island Hauntings

“Long Island Hauntings” features local award winning author Kerriann Flanagan Brosky and
New Author and Co Owner of Fiorello Dolce, Gerard Fioravanti sharing their experiences of
hauntings on Long Island. In this episode, you’ll hear and see some of the spooky happenings that occur inside Fiorello Dolce and learn about the hauntings inside places like the Long Island Maritime Museum, the Lake View Cemetery in Patchogue and the
Milleridge Inn. Don’t miss this episode!

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