Don’t Press Send: A Mindful Approach to Social Media


Don't Press Send

In 2013, Katie Duffy Schumacher, a New York State certified teacher and advocate for children’s well-being, launched the Don’t Press Send Campaign in her hometown of Rockville Centre, NY. Known affectionately as “Mama Schu,” Katie recognized the urgent need to create a kinder and safer online community for today’s children. What began as a local initiative has since evolved into an international campaign, spearheaded by Katie’s unwavering dedication to promoting the benefits of technology while mitigating its potential pitfalls.

At the heart of the Don’t Press Send movement is Katie’s commitment to fostering digital wellness and encouraging thoughtful online communication. Through the development of the Don’t Press Send app and nationwide workshops targeting schools, community organizations, and civic leaders, Katie has guided the campaign’s growth from grassroots to global. Her book, “Don’t Press Send: A Mindful Approach to Social Media, an Education in Cyber Civics,” further amplifies the campaign’s core message, providing insights into the impact of social media on today’s youth and offering constructive ways to navigate the digital landscape.

Katie’s multifaceted approach includes the Don’t Press Send Pledge, a cornerstone of the campaign that has transcended borders, reaching over 50 countries. Currently undergoing a re-launch, the pledge has evolved into an app, becoming a powerful tool for individuals to commit to responsible online behavior.

As an advisor to the Rockville Centre Youth Council and a board member of the Rockville Centre Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Katie extends her impact beyond the digital realm. Certified in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindful Schools K-12 Curriculum Training, she brings mindfulness principles into the educational landscape, emphasizing the importance of balancing technology with mindfulness.

Katie’s influence extends to various media platforms, where she has showcased the Don’t Press Send campaign through a Ted Talk, television interviews, and magazine articles. Her commitment to raising awareness about responsible online behavior has positioned her as a thought leader in the evolving landscape of digital citizenship.

In her mission to instill these values in future generations, Katie engages with diverse audiences, from early learners to college-level students and beyond. Her two guiding mantras—fostering digital wellness from the start and promoting kind and careful online communication—continue to resonate with individuals worldwide.

Beyond her advocacy work, Katie’s 2016 book, “Don’t Press Send: A Mindful Approach to Social Media, an Education in Cyber Civics,” provides a comprehensive perspective on the impact of social media on today’s youth. In 2023, she added a new dimension to her literary contributions with “Bye-Bye, Wi-Fi!,” a children’s book that encourages unplugged afternoons and celebrates the joy of connecting with one another.

In March 2017, Katie took the Don’t Press Send message to a wider audience with a TEDx Talk at Adelphi University. Addressing the significance of finding technology’s place in our lives, she reinforced the importance of mindful integration of technology, urging individuals to consider the impact on their well-being and relationships.

As a mother of three and an advocate for a balanced lifestyle, Katie enjoys kayaking, meditation, and outdoor activities in her rare moments of free time. Adding a second dog to the Schumacher clan reflects her belief in the positive impact of genuine connections, both online and offline.

In conclusion, the Don’t Press Send campaign led by Katie Duffy Schumacher stands as a beacon of empowerment, urging individuals to embrace the benefits of technology while navigating the digital landscape with mindfulness and care. Through her pioneering efforts, Katie has not only transformed a community project into an international movement but has also laid the foundation for a kinder, safer, and more thoughtful online world.

For more information, visit their website.

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