The Best Alcohol I Have Ever Tasted: Twisted Cow Distillery


Twisted Cow Distillery

Earlier this week, we filmed episode 5 of our podcast series “Let’s Get Local” at the Twisted Cow Distillery in Northport with owner John Pawluk. Before filming, we spoke with John about ideas for the show and landed on doing a drink tasting of the alcohol they distill at Twisted Cow. I was so scared.

Twisted Cow Distillery
Host Melissa Farrell and guest John Pawluk owner of the Twisted Cow in East Northport shooting episode 5 of Lets Get Local

I am a wine drinker, specifically Sauvignon Blanc from the Marlborough region of New Zealand. I stay in my lane and do not go off course into the lanes of liquor. The moment I agreed to the idea of a tasting, my tolerance spoke up. “What the hell are you going to do??? You need to host a podcast and drink hard liquor at the same time? You can’t speak clearly when you’re sober! Plus, you HATE hard liquor and will need to pretend its delicious. What are you thinking Melissa??!!” The struggle was real.

When we arrived, we went over the drinks with John that we would be tasting for the show. I had prepared myself to taste maybe like 3. I was wrong. I was so wrong. I heard him ask Brian, the mixologist, to bring 4 bottles of this, 2 martinis, 4 mixed drinks and some Jodiez. What did I get myself into?

John was so excited to share his creations with us and walked me through the science of his distilling process. Side note: The reason I hate drinking alcohol is the burn that is produced especially from vodka. I feel like I’m drinking aerosol hairspray. Which is why you will never catch me drinking anything “neat.” John assured me that there would be no burn because of his process. I was blown away, so much so, I was actually really excited to start the tasting. Then we started with his vodka…neat.

The second we picked up the glass of the Series 19 Wheat Vodka to taste, my body was like, “you can do this!” I first smelled it and was shocked it didn’t have a strong smell. I then braced myself to taste it and could not believe that I didn’t have to fake my reaction! It was so smooth and so freaking clean!!! John was not lying…there was no burn.

After that first sip, I was all in and couldn’t wait to try the next one which was the Series 19 Rye Vodka. Once I heard the word “rye,” I was a little suspect again, but embraced the challenge. So glad I did because the Rye Vodka was even better than the first! How is this man creating this sorcery?

Up next was the Rye Dog which is crafted from Long Island grown rye with a touch of chocolate rye malt. The Aroma is initially bright, but rich dark chocolate takes over. Rye Dog requires 2 sips, one to adjust to an unapologetically big rye grain, unaged 100 proof spirit, the second sip becomes inviting and familiar. The second sip welcomes you with big bodied nuttiness followed by a rich, lingering, warm dark chocolate.

Up next were martinis. I have NEVER had a martini, but after taking down straight liquor with no problem, I was up for it. We tried the “Dynasty” and “Grommet’s Rocket.” Once again, delicious, smooth and super clean. It was at that moment I realized, it wasn’t that I didn’t like hard liquor, it was that no one was doing it like this…the right way. John has taken the traditional way of doing things and upped the ante with science and technology. I’m now convinced he is a modern day wizard.

We ended our podcast with some cocktails like the “Bird & Bees,” the “Five & Dime,” and the “Arnie Perlman.” The Birds & Bees is based with Series 19 Jalapeno Vodka, and with me not being a fan of jalapeno (shocker), I assumed this was the moment I would have to fake it. Nope. Freaking delicious and once again super clean. The most shocking thing I tasted was the Arnie Perlman, which is an Arnold Palmer with alcohol. Lemon is on my list of things I just don’t do, but of course I loved it and even finished it while we broke down the set.

I was blown away by the experience I had at the Twisted Cow and was shocked I wasn’t hammered or hungover the next day! The power of “clean” alcohol!

If you’ve learned nothing else in this article, you now know how picky I am with what I eat and drink and can take this review to heart. I NEVER thought I would ever be able to try, let alone like, that many profiles of alcohol in my life. If you want to have your socks blown off and see what liquor is really supposed to taste like, get your butt down to the Twisted Cow Distillery in East Northport, NY. BEST ALCOHOL I HAVE EVER TASTED!

*Stay tuned for episode 5 of “Let’s Get Local” at the Twisted Cow and see how well we try to hold it together after all of those drinks!

For more information about the Twisted Cow Distillery, click here.

Twisted Cow Distillery is a proud sponsor of an episode of the “Let’s Get Local” podcast

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